The author visits schools regularly, interacting with both students and teachers.
For Students:
The author talks about books, reading, travel, environment, conservation and geography. He presents slideshows on his books, on the landscapes where they are set, on the research and the inspiration behind each of his stories. There are slideshows on the Himalayas, on the Andaman Islands, the Lakshadweep Islands, the Sahyadris and India's great forests, like Ranthambore.
For Teachers:
The Earth's natural ecosystems are being degraded at a rate unprecedented in world history
Living Planet Report – WWF
The world is under severe environmental stress. The author – an environmentalist and a wilderness lover – explains the truth of the WWF statement. He provides a unique point of view on the earth's most pressing environmental problems. He also provides insights on India, its landscape, its wildlife, conservation, and how current environmental issues like global warming affect the country.
The author believes that teachers must be made aware of the earth's problems, as they are the source of knowledge for children. A proper understanding of the issues challenging the earth's well-being will help them communicate the problems better to children.
A Senegalese Poet has written...
In the end we will save only what we loveAnd we will love only what we understand
And we will understand only what we are taught.
Children must be taught about forests and wildlife. It is only if they are taught will they love and see a reason to save our natural world.