Rashmi Nandkeolyar - Princpal, DPS Dubai
Deepak Dalal is a sensitive and responsible writer of children's books. Stories set in exotic jungles or other wild terrain magically transport the reader to the life and times of wild beasts so that one empathetically loves and learns, seamlessly and joyously. A definite part of our reading list!
Ranjini Krishnaswamy - Princpal, St Gregorous, Mumbai
Deepak brings to his books the sense of concern and commitment that he feels for the environment. He does this in a very engaging and interesting manner without sounding preachy and boring. Sahayadri tales takes you to a world of days gone by in a mysterious and creative way making you want to read the book at one go and never put it down.
My school has always had at least one Deepak Dalal book as a rapid reader. He is a writer to be enjoyed by both children and adults alike.
Dr.Vasudevan Nair - Princpal, Sheiling House School, Kanpur
Of the 19 supplementary readers for classes V to XI, the response to Ranthambore Adventure was immediate and enthusiastic. The true value of the text lies in the rich descriptive language as well as its well-researched portrayal of issues relating to wildlife protection.
Madhavi Kapur - Princpal, R.B. Academy, Pune
We have used Lakshadweep Adventure, Ranthambore Adventure and Ladakh Adventure as rapid readers for the last three years. I have seen children glued to the books, even those who are generally reluctant to read. The themes tie up beautifully with what they have been studying about Indian geography and environmental issues.